Film Busters is a group of cinematography enthusiasts. We could talk about films for hours. Instead of just talking – we make them. Next to business, we shoot features and documentaries, which won prizes at international festivals. We either create from scratch, or take up one field:
– building a story and script writing
– preparing a project for shooting
– video and sound production
– post-production: editing, color grading, sound design, animation

Paweł Son Ngo
A graduate from the Music School in Gniezno (clarinet class), from Film and Television Academy in Warsaw (Directing and Production), from Polish Open University, as well as from the University of Warsaw (Artes Liberales Faculty). Being involved in artistic projects he abstains from one-task jobs. He fulfils himself as a director, screenwriter, producer, and a composer. In 2010 he established an artistic group Film Busters, which operates as a company since 2013. He is interested in film music and classical music. A die-hard Star Wars geek.

Szymon Karlak
Director of photography for films like The Host („Gospodarz,”) I am Tomek („Jestem Tomek,”) Fall of Icarus („Upadek Ikara,”) and Diptych of Warsaw („Dyptyk warszawski.”) He graduated from Warszawska Szkoła Reklamy in Film and Television Production (Realizacja telewizyjna i filmowa). Forever interested in movies and the film related tech novelties. He participates in many film projects on every step of their production. He was an intern and has worked in the largest post-production studio in Poland. Privately, he is often late but only to be on time with everything in professional life!

Justyna Badio
She graduated from the University of Warsaw in Management Faculty, as well as from Warsaw School of Advertising in film faculty. A Film Busters member since 2014. Our post-editor for almost every production. Having graduated from PRO Make Up Academy she supports us on set as a make-up artist. Privately, a border collie mom, called Quill. Loves making desserts.

Rafał Brzozowski
A Film and Television Academy graduate in sound production. A ProTools expert; the crew calls him Shaman because his skills in sound post-production transcend the rational reasoning. He is also fulfilled as a composer, e.g. in Diptych of Warsaw („Dyptyk warszawski.”) He likes cooking and playing the guitar.
Film Prizes
Our films won prizes at many film festivals, not only in Poland but also in UK, India, and the USA.
Years of Experience
Our crew constantly broadens the horizons with new knowledge and skills. Instead of doing a little bit of everything, we focus on our individual specialties. We make a good team.
Professional Equipment
We tend to work with our own equipment, which allows us to act fast and get to any location in Poland. However, we handle each project individually and customize to the needs.